
Rebranding and Revamping: ES Riders 

Rebranding Our Logo and Website 

When our nonprofit, The Life Beyond Foundation, acquired the ES Riders back in 2021 we  thought a lot about changing our logo. The original logo was great, but we figured if we want to  make it our own, this was the first step. We went through a process of deciding which logo  matched the tone we were trying to give off for our newest program. Below you can see the old  ES Riders logo and how we altered it to come to our new logo. This new logo is more modern,  clean, and vibrant with colors.

We decided to incorporate a figure that resembled someone on a scooter to emphasis what is it is  we do at ES Riders. This gives our viewers a better idea of who we are and gets them interested in wanting to learn more through our employees and website. We also decided to look at the old  website and see how we could make it our own. We hired a website designer to help with the  new website. We are still making changes to it every day, but it has come a long way. The  importance behind rebranding was crucial at the beginning stages of acquiring ES Riders. We  had to make it our own to distinguish ourselves from the old ES Riders. They had built a great  foundation for us to follow, and we are thankful for the resources and tools they left us. Now it is  time for us to create our own legacy through ES Riders.


After rebranding our logo and continuously working on our website, we decided to start  implementing this logo through merchandise. We did this by creating winter hats, t-shirts,  sweatshirts, wristbands, and stickers. This was done with the hope that our brand would start to  grow, and people could start associating what we do with our logo. Shown are some examples of  our original merchandise items for sale.

Combining The Life Beyond Foundation Inc. and ES Riders 

When we first started talking about taking over the ES Riders program under our nonprofit The  Life Beyond Foundation, we were not quite sure how we were going to successfully do it. How  would be combine two separate, already established, nonprofit organizations? These two  programs have different missions, but we ultimately want to accomplish the same goal of helping  those in need. We have faced challenges trying to work with both organizations, but at the end of  the day, both are nonprofit organizations that help those in need. The Life Beyond Foundation  focuses on hiring those living with disabilities and giving them the resources to be successful. ES  Riders has a more specific focus on donating electric scooters to disabled veterans who face  challenges with everyday mobility. The basis of both revolves around providing more for those  in need. Whether that being a form of transportation, a job, or resources to help. We have  recently found that the connections and relationships we have established from both  organizations has been extremely helpful. Everyone in this field of nonprofit organizations  providing help for those in need all want the same thing. By working together with those  connections and other local nonprofits who share the same vision, we have found it easier to  operate. We still have so much to learn and so many more people to help. Visit our website or  social media pages today to learn more and see how you can get involved in making a difference  in the world today.